Cindy Morgan, renowned for her role in "Caddyshack" alongside Bill Murray, has passed away at 69, though the cause of her death remains unknown. Her body rests in a Florida funeral home
The Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office confirmed her passing, but details surrounding her death haven't been disclosed.
Morgan's portrayal of Lacey Underall in "Caddyshack" earned her acclaim, depicting the alluring niece of Judge Elihu Smails in the 1980 sports comedy.
Beyond "Caddyshack," she showcased her talent in diverse films like "Tron," where she embodied the characters of Lora and Yori, among other notable works.
Her presence extended to TV with appearances in iconic shows such as "The Love Boat," "Matlock," and "CHiPs," diversifying her acting repertoire.
Apart from her Hollywood career, Morgan's deep connection to the U.S. military stemmed from her advocacy work, driven by her father's World War II service.
She ardently supported easing the financial burden on soldiers involved in conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, reflecting her passion for assisting veterans.
Cindy Morgan's legacy spans her remarkable acting career and her dedication to supporting those who served their country. Rest peacefully, Cindy Morgan.